Why ‘B’ Corp

PrintEducation Centers are traditionally organized as non-profits so why is the Rocky Mountain Sustainability Center a registered for-profit ‘public benefit corporation’ or ‘B’ Corp?  Our team chose this structure to demonstrate how not only can businesses be ‘socially responsible’ but also how education facilities can be ran as businesses and help all of us transition to healthy interdependence.

We are in a crucial transition period where we must all work together to bring the best of all worlds into new systems and structures that can actually lead us towards a healthy and sustainable future.  When corporations first came into existence in this country it was expected that these corporations would be of public benefit and if they were not then they could lose their charter.  We also believe that public benefit entities can also be expected to show healthy economic contribution to the community through developing industry within their structures that help to sustain the organization so that they can minimize the revenue expenditure that is spent simply trying to increase donations and paid memberships!

So like all changes that have been made throughout history the first steps are always considered ‘experimental’.  We invite you to join us on this journey of discovery and learning.

To learn more about Benefit Corporations you can read more here…